Ernesto dropped me off at the Zona Libre, the Free Zone, yesterday. The Free is freedom from import tax. The Zona Libre is as big as Colon. A wall surrounds it, guards at every gate. Within the wall is street after street of back-to-back shops and warehouses. What do you need? Five dozen pairs of pants in assorted sizes and colors? Two dozen Dior sports shirts? A five thousand dollar Longines watch? Cooking pots, table china, tools, outboard motors - what ever is manufactured can be found right here in the Zona Libre ready for onward shipping to where ever.
Much of it is manufactured in China by workers on near slave wages.
China's low wages guaranty umemployment for workforces in other developing economies (Socialist togetherness). Forget multi-nationals as the big beast criminals of the Liberal establishment. Chinese wages are the monster. We must forbid imports from any nation without a reasonable minimum wage and we must have inspecters checking factories.
Why was I in the Zona Libre?
To buy a fishing rod for the voyage thru the San Blas islands on the good ship Don Sebas.