CONVERSATIONS: January 21A small cheap restaurant. A tall man with fierce grey beard sits alone at the next table. He asks my nationality before introducing himself as a retired Lieutenant Colonel. He talks of honour – or the lack of honour in today's society. It is lack of honour that is destroying India. “Ninety percent of Indians are corrupt. More than ninety percent, ninety-eight percent” he assures me.
Of his two brothers, one is a full colonel and the other a General. “They are having big houses and cars with drivers,” he says. “Always they have been telling me only to be reasonable and I am saying that reasonable is not honour. I have acted honourably always,” he says. “This is why I am eating here and why I am living in a small room. It is the same everywhere,” he continues. “Look at you British. You were always known to be honourable and now see what is happening with you. This Blair with his lies. Your reputation is destroyed. It will be hundreds of years before people will be believing you.”
He has stomach pains (presumably an ulcer) and eats only dahl with curd. He leaves, very upright, very military in his bearing. An honourable man, he must have been the subordinate from Hell. I imagine his brothers pleading with him over the years to just once refrain from arguing, to drift just once within the official current, if not for his own good, for the good of the family.