I am Anya's adopted father. The writer, Robert Sheckley, was Anya's genetic father. I am honoured to have been one of Bob's friends. English-language critics pigeon-holed Bob as a writer of science fiction. He was judged differently in Europe and in those countries that were part of the old USSR. He was read for his ideas and his wit and his take on the human condition and he was admired as a master craftsman of the short story.
Anya and I drove up to Woodstock yesterday to visit Bob's grave. Anya parked below the cemetery and a herd of deer broke out of the trees. Most bolted up across the graves. Two hesitated and looked back. They were at the corner of the hedge that demarks the artists' corner - the direction we were headed. I took their photograph. Then Anya and I walked up the track. Bob's grave was under snow. Anya and I will visit again when I finish my ride in the Spring. We will have Anya and Michael's baby son with us.