My cousin, John, is an admirer of black bathing beauties. His is President of the World Admiration Society. He keeps large harems in various countries. His beauties prefer liquid mud to spring water and each paddock has a swimming hole. The ladies wallow through the heat of the day and presumably philosophise. Only their eyes and nose and sometimes their tails show above the milk-chocolate surface.
I envy them. The heat is fierce today. Philosophising in a mud bath must be preferable to riding a small Honda amongst homicidal maniacs.
My cousin, John, is an admirer of black bathing beauties. His is President of the World Admiration Society. He keeps large harems in various countries. His beauties prefer liquid mud to spring water and each paddock has a swimming hole. The ladies wallow through the heat of the day and presumably philosophise. Only their eyes and nose and sometimes their tails show above the milk-chocolate surface.
I envy them. The heat is fierce today. Philosophising in a mud bath must be preferable to riding a small Honda amongst homicidal maniacs.