TEHUANTEPEC, MEXICO: FEBRUARY 18Boris Corredor criticizes BBC World News. Why is it so bland?
The easy answer is that Prime Minister Blair and his supporters frightened the BBC's management. Blair was aided by a judge. The judge presided over an inquiry to BBC reporting of the build up to the Iraq invasion.
I suspect that the judge believed that he was serving the nation by protecting Government. In fact he furthered the distrust the nation has in its politicians and judiciary.
The judge was also parochial. He never considered the respect that the BBC once earned for Britain. In my youth, the terorised in far countries crouched over radios to listen to BBC broadcasts. The BBC represented truth. BBC journalists were fearless. The BBC was a unique link to a wider world.
This is the service that Blair and his Director of Communications, Alistair Campbell, sacrificed for short term political advantage. The judge who aided them betrayed his nation and all those served by the BBC.
His name?
Lord Hutton .
Does he sleep well?
And the journalists who once worked for the BBC?
Some of the best now report for Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera is financed by the Government of Qatar – a small Sheikdom in the Persian Gulf and a supporter of the United States of America.
The Qatar Government believes that financing a respected international news service earns them credit.
The US army slammed missiles into Al Jazeera's Baghdad and Kabul offices.
President George W Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera's offices in Qatar.
President George W Bush claims that the US is the final bastion of freedom.
To quote Kurt Vonnegurt (a great philosopher of the absurd):
Ah, well...